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CoreNet Global: Silence Isn’t Always Golden – Rethinking Sound and Wellbeing in the Built Environment

Moodsonic MD Evan Benway and details about his "soundscaping" speech at CoreNet Global
Want to learn more about how sound can contribute to health and wellbeing in commercial real estate? Moodsonic’s Evan Benway, is speaking at the 2023 CoreNet Global Summit in Dubai.

Silence Isn’t Always Golden: Rethinking Sound and Wellbeing in the Built Environment

Thursday, September 14 2023, 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM
Location: Majlis 3
Session Type: Learning Experience

Most buildings have a problem with noise. It’s been a big complaint in workplaces and healthcare environments for decades. The sound of a building affects people’s wellbeing, privacy, focus, sleep, recovery and everything in-between. Sound is a powerful tool for CRE professionals, but it’s often misunderstood and oversimplified.

Historical approaches to sound have tended to be one dimensional; reduce the volume, eliminate noise... But this can cause more problems than it solves. Spaces end up being eerily quiet. With lower occupancy post-Covid, it's a problem in many workplaces. Excessive noise is bad for people’s health, but silence shouldn't be the sole objective. Silence can accentuate disturbances and isn’t optimal for productivity.

This session will zoom out on sound in CRE and address it from a holistic perspective. Did you know that natural soundscapes are typically the most productive sounds for people to work to – even compared to silence? Or that extroverts thrive in livelier soundscapes? Think too how time of day or different activities will affect the optimal soundscape. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to sound in CRE. Just like in the natural world, buildings should be ecosystems of sensory experiences – from dynamic and lively through to calm and comforting. Sound isn't always the enemy. In fact, it can be used as a positive design tool. It's time to design buildings for the ears to create healthier and more productive spaces.

Key takeaways

  1. Comprehend the basics of the science of human responses to sound in CRE, based on an understanding of our evolutionary experiences in nature
  2. Evaluate the likely responses to typical sounds in CRE such as workplaces, based on this basic scientific comprehension in Takeaway 1
  3. Formulate top-level designs or plans for soundscaping across zones in a mixed-use building

To learn more about the session and CoreNet Global East Meets West, visit their website here.

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